Welcome to Mrs. Mommy & Me! My name is Emily, and I live in Franklin, IN. I am a former teacher, turned stay-at-home mom, sharing all things about life as a Mrs, mommy, and as myself.
Like many, the past year has been a major adjustment for me (& not just because of COVID). I went from teaching first grade full time - creating fun lessons and activities for my class, working with my teammates, using my favorite Flair pens, etc. to being a first time mom during a pandemic. I felt like my life became a constant loop of dirty diapers, dishes, and laundry. Oh, and don't forget the EVER complicated art of your baby's sleep schedule, your sleep schedule, & actually spending quality time with your spouse. Don't get me wrong, I was and am beyond blessed to be staying home with my son. It is such a special thing to be able to be with him, daily, watching him learn and grow. I just felt like I had lost a little bit of who I was through the monotony of it all. Have you been there?
I spent months trying to find a new niche for myself, but kept drawing a blank. Finally I landed on the popular millennial idea - "I'm gonna start a blog!" I know, it's a bit cliche, but why not? We live in a digital world where people are actively seeking/making connections online through shared experiences. This blog allows me to use the creative side of my brain, that I so longly miss, to reach people, like me, that maybe just feel/felt a bit lost in their new stage of life.
My hope is to provide you with resources, tips, and even laughs while navigating the chaos that can be wife/motherhood. You never know, I may just be the best “mom friend” you never knew you needed. So happy to have you here!
Thanks so much for reading and sharing -